Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween is right around the corner! A day full of fun and treats for humans can be spooky for pets. Keep your furry family members safe and comfortable to enjoy a happy Halloween for all.
Keep the treats out of reach. Halloween candy can be very dangerous for pets, so stash them where your pets can’t get to them. Chocolate is dangerous and even lethal for dogs and cats. Candies containing xylitol (sugar-free gum, mentos, airheads, etc) can have serious consequences for pets as well. Be sure to keep an eye on children who may make the mistake of sharing their treats with their pets—try to prevent this by teaching them not to give their candy treats to their fur siblings. If your pet has ingested a dangerous treat, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Center (888-426-4435) immediately.
Be cautious with costumes. There’s not much that tops the cuteness charts than a dachshund dressed as a hotdog or a cat dressed as a bat, but if your pet seems stressed or uncomfortable, don’t force it. For some pets, wearing clothing causes stress, so test the costume before Halloween arrives. If your pet is uncomfortable and does not enjoy wearing costumes, consider searching for famous pets that resemble yours—you can tell your Halloween guests they are dressed like that fur celebrity for Halloween (think Air-Bud, Sassy from Homeward Bound, Benji, etc)! If your pet truly enjoys or feels comfortable in a costume, ensure their attire doesn’t inhibit movement and remove any small pieces that could be chewed off.
Leave dangerous Halloween decor at the store. Make sure your Halloween decorations are pet-friendly and keep wires and batteries away from your pets. Jack-o-lanterns are fun and festive but can cause a fire if they are knocked over by curious cats and dogs and can cause stomach discomfort when ingested. Keep these kinds of decorations out of your pet’s reach or leave them at the store.
Protect your pets. The excitement of Halloween can cause stress for your pets. The arrival of trick-or-treaters means a lot of knocks on the door or doorbell sounds. Opening the door repeatedly for trick-or-treaters gives pets the opportunity to run out. Keep your pets inside and safe in a separate room, away from the front door. Make sure your pet has proper identification in the event they do get out. An ID tag and/or microchip increases the chances of being reunited with a lost pet.
Have a safe and happy Halloween! If you have any questions or concerns about Halloween pet safety, call Desert Sky Animal Hospital at (602) 942-4282 and we are happy to help!